Harry Potter and the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure!

Harry wants to have a fun adventure at Hogwarts. Can you help him accomplish his goal? You control the action!

Chapter 4

Harry threw back Dumbledore's arm. "This ends NOW. I'm going to defeat Voldemort once and for all."

Dumbledore gasped. "No, Harry! It's too soon! You don't know what you're getting yourself into!"

But Harry wasn't listening. He ran off and yelled "High-ho, broomstick, away!" causing his trusty broomstick to fly around the corner so he could jump on it. Then Harry shot off as fast as he could, breaking through the ceiling of Hogwarts and flying high above the English countryside on this quest to find Voldemort once and for all.

Unfortunately, Harry found himself flying up too high and accidentally got sucked into turbine of a passenger jet where he was ground into an unidentifiable paste almost immediately. The jet itself then crash-landed into Hogwarts, killing hundreds and allowing Voldemort an opportunity to sneak in and take over.


Not satisfied with your ending? Go back to Chapter 1 to start all over!